VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Effects on metal

In its pure state, refrigerant R134a is chemically stable and does not attack iron or aluminium.
However, impurities such as chlorine compounds in the refrigerant do attack certain metals and plastics. This can lead to blockages, leaks and deposits on the air conditioner compressor piston.
Critical temperature and critical pressure
Up to a gas pressure of 39.5 bar positive pressure (corresponding to a temperature of 101°C) the refrigerant R134a remains chemically stable; however, above this temperature the refrigerant decomposes (see Combustibility).
Vapour pressure
In an enclosed container that is not completely full, refrigerant evaporates as vapour at the surface in a quantity sufficient to form an equilibrium between vapour a ...

Water content
Only very small amounts of water are soluble in liquid refrigerant. On the other hand, refrigerant vapour and water vapour mix in any proportion. ...

Other materials:

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