VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Schematic diagram - coolant hoses, Golf and Golf Estate

The schematic diagram for the entire coolant circuit can be found in the repair group 19 → Rep. gr.19.
Topping up coolant and bleeding coolant circuit → Rep. gr.19 and → Chapter
The -arrows- indicate the direction of coolant flow.

Schematic diagram - coolant hoses, Golf and Golf Estate

1 -  Heat exchanger for heater in heater and air conditioning unit
Incorporation in coolant circuit → Rep. gr.19.
2 -  Auxiliary heater
Removing and installing → Chapter.
3 -  Circulation pump -V55-
The circulation pump -V55- is integrated in the hose assembly of the auxiliary heater.
Removing and installing → Chapter
For this vehicle (only selected engine types), a Start/Stop system is offered as an optional equipment.
On vehicles equipped with a Start/Stop system, the circulation pump -V55- of the auxiliary heater can be actuated by the auxiliary heater control unit -J364- while the stop function is active. To achieve this, the auxiliary heater control unit -J364- receives a command from the air conditioning system operating unit, the Climatronic control unit -J255- and the air conditioning system control unit -J301- via the data bus to switch on the circulation pump -V55-; vehicle diagnostic tester in “Guided fault finding” mode.
4 -  Coolant supply from engine
Incorporation of auxiliary/supplementary heater in engine coolant circuit → Rep. gr.19.
5 -  Coolant return to the engine
Incorporation of auxiliary/supplementary heater in engine coolant circuit → Rep. gr.19.
Coolant circuit with auxiliary heater

Schematic diagram - coolant hoses, Golf GTE
  Note Currently, only the auxiliary heater function is available. At the moment the auxiliary heater is not intended to be operated as a supplemen ...

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