VW Golf manuals

Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Special tools and workshop equipment required
Flared ring spanner tool insert AF 24 -V.A.G 1332/11-

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Depth gauge -VAS 6082-

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Assembly tool -T10134-

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Locking pin -T10340-
Bolt M6x35 (3x)
Gearbox removed.
–  Remove flywheel → Chapter.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Remove intermediate plate -1- from dowel sleeves -arrows A-.
–  Guide intermediate plate -1- upwards.
–  While doing so, pull retaining lug -arrow B- of intermediate plate -1- out of recess behind sealing flange.
Setting crankshaft to “TDC” position:
–  Remove ignition coil with output stage for cylinder 1 → Chapter.
–  Remove spark plug from cylinder 1.
Setting correct position of crankshaft for screwing in locking pin:

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Carefully insert a screwdriver with a shaft length of at least 250 mm in -direction of arrow- into spark plug hole so that it contacts piston crown.
–  Turn crankshaft in direction of engine rotation to “BDC” for no. 1 cylinder.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Turn crankshaft further in direction of engine rotation, until screwdriver has moved 35 mm upwards in -direction of arrow-.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Unscrew plug for “TDC” hole in cylinder block → Fig..
–  Unscrew plug for “TDC” hole in cylinder block.
Risk of damage to engine
If locking pin -T10340- cannot be screwed in as far as stop, this indicates that crankshaft is not in the correct position!
In this case, proceed as follows:
Unscrew locking pin.
Turn crankshaft 90° in direction of engine rotation.
Screw locking pin -T10340- into cylinder block as far as stop and tighten to 30 Nm.
Turn crankshaft in direction of engine rotation as far as stop.
–  Screw locking pin -T10340- into cylinder block as far as stop and tighten to 30 Nm.
–  Rotate crankshaft in normal direction of rotation as far as stop.
The locking pin now rests against the crank web.
Locking pin -T10340- locks crankshaft in direction of engine rotation only.
–  Remove sump (bottom section) → Chapter „Removing and installing lower part of sump“.
–  Remove upper part of sump → Chapter „Removing and installing upper part of sump“.
–  Remove engine speed sender -G28- → Chapter.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Unscrew bolts -arrows- for sealing flange -1-.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  To press off, screw 3 M6 x 35 bolts -arrows- into sealing flange -1-.
The sealing flange -1- is pressed off crankshaft -3- together with the sender wheel -2-.
–  Screw bolts alternately into sealing flange not more than 1/2 turn at a time.
–  Remove sealing flange -1- together with sender wheel -2-.
Pressing in sealing flange with sender wheel

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

The sealing flange with a PTFE seal is equipped with a sealing lip support ring -2-. This support ring serves as a fitting sleeve and must not be removed prior to installation.
Sealing flange and sender wheel -1- must not be separated or turned after removal from packaging.
The sender wheel -1- is held in its installation position on the locating pin of the assembly tool -T10134- → Anchor.
Sealing flange and oil seal form one unit and must only be renewed together with the sender wheel.
The assembly tool -T10134- is held in its position relative to the crankshaft by a guide pin inserted into a hole in the crankshaft → Anchor.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Components of assembly tool -T10134-:
A -  Clamping surface
B -  Nut
C -  Assembly housing
D -  Locating pin
E -  Hexagon socket head bolt (qty. 2)
F -  Guide pin for petrol engines (red knob)
G -  Guide pin for diesel engines (black knob)
H -  Knurled screws (qty. 3)
I -  Inner part

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Fitting sealing flange with sender wheel on assembly tool -T10134-:
–  Screw on nut -B- until just before it touches the clamping surface -A- of the threaded spindle.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Clamp assembly device -T10134- at clamping surface -A- of threaded spindle in a vice -1-.
–  Press assembly housing -C- downwards until it rests against nut -B-.
Inner part of assembly tool and assembly housing must be at same height.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  If fitted, remove securing clip -arrow- from new sealing flange.
Do not take the sender wheel out of the sealing flange or rotate it out of position.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Place sealing flange with front side facing down on a clean level surface.
–  Push sealing lip support ring -1- downwards in -direction of arrow- until it rests against level surface.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Upper edge of sealing lip support ring -1- and front edge of sealing flange -2- must align -arrows-.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Place sealing flange -1- with front side facing downwards onto assembly tool -T10134- so that locating pin -D- is seated in hole -3- in sender wheel hole -2-.
The sealing flange must rest flat against the assembly tool.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Screw knurled screws -H- into sealing flange -1-.
–  Press sealing flange -1- and sealing lip support ring -2- against surface of assembly tool -T10134- whilst tightening knurled screws.
–  This prevents locating pin from slipping out of sender wheel hole.
–  When installing sealing flange, ensure that sender wheel remains fixed in assembly device.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Mounting assembly tool -T10134- with sealing flange -1- on crankshaft flange:
The crankshaft flange must be free of grease and oil.
Engine is at “TDC” position → Anchor.
–  Screw on nut -B- until it reaches end of threaded spindle.
–  Press threaded spindle of assembly tool -T10134- in -direction of arrow-, until nut -B- rests against assembly housing -C-.
–  Align flat side of assembly housing to sealing surface of cylinder block on sump side.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Attach assembly tool -T10134- together with sealing flange -1- to crankshaft flange -2-.
–  To do this, screw hexagon socket head bolts -E- into crankshaft flange (approx. 5 full turns) using a hexagon key.
–  Push guide pin for petrol engines (red knob) -F- into crankshaft flange.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  To guide sealing flange -1-, screw two M6Ч35 mm bolts -2- into cylinder block.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Bolting assembly tool -T10134- onto crankshaft flange:
–  Push assembly housing -C- by hand in -direction of arrow- until sealing lip support ring -1- rests against crankshaft flange -2-.
–  Make sure that guide pin for petrol engines (red knob) -F- is properly seated in hole in crankshaft. This ensures that the sender wheel reaches its final installation position.
The guide pin for diesel engines (black knob) must not be inserted in threaded hole of crankshaft.
–  Tighten the two hexagon socket head bolts of assembly tool hand-tight.
–  Screw nut -B- by hand onto threaded spindle until it rests against assembly housing -C-.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Pressing sender wheel onto crankshaft flange using assembly tool -T10134-:
–  Tighten nut -B- of assembly tool -T10134- to 35 Nm.
After the nut has been tightened to 35 Nm, a small air gap must still be present between cylinder block and sealing flange -1-.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Checking sender wheel installation position on crankshaft:
–  Screw on nut -B- until it reaches end of threaded spindle.
–  Unscrew the two bolts -2- from cylinder block.
–  Pull guide pin for petrol engines (red knob) -F- out of crankshaft flange.
–  Unscrew knurled screws -H- from sealing flange -1-.
–  Unbolt assembly tool -T10134- from crankshaft flange, unscrewing hexagon socket head bolts -E- from crankshaft flange.
–  Remove sealing lip support ring.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Position depth gauge -VAS 6082- on crankshaft flange -2-.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Measure distance -a- between crankshaft flange -2- and sender wheel -1-.
Specification: dimension -a- = 0.5 mm
–  If specification is not achieved, press sender wheel further in → Anchor.
–  If specification is achieved, proceed with subsequent work steps → Anchor.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

Re-pressing sender wheel:
–  Secure assembly tool -T10134- on crankshaft flange -1-.
–  Make sure that locating pin of assembly tool -T10134- is properly seated in sender wheel hole.
–  Tighten hexagon socket head bolts -E- by hand.
–  Push assembly tool -T10134- by hand against sealing flange -1-.
–  Screw nut -B- by hand onto threaded spindle until it rests against assembly tool -T10134-.
–  Push guide pin for petrol engines (red knob) -F- into crankshaft flange.
–  Screw knurled screws -H- into sealing flange -1-.
–  To guide sealing flange, screw two M6Ч35 mm bolts -2- into cylinder block.

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

–  Tighten nut -B- of assembly tool -T10134- to 40 Nm.
–  Check sender wheel installation position on the crankshaft again → Anchor.
–  If the specification is not achieved, tighten nut of assembly tool -T10134- to 45 Nm.
–  Check sender wheel installation position on the crankshaft again → Anchor.
–  Tighten bolts for sealing flange → Fig..
–  Install lower part of sump → Chapter „Removing and installing lower part of sump“.
–  Install upper part of sump → Chapter „Removing and installing upper part of sump“.
–  Install intermediate plate → Fig..
–  Install flywheel → Chapter.
Specified torques
→ Fig. „“Sealing flange on gearbox side - specified torque and tightening sequence”“
→ Fig. „“Plug for TDC drilling in cylinder block at rear – specified torque”“
→ Chapter „Assembly overview - cylinder block, gearbox end“
Engine speed sender -G28- → Chapter „Assembly overview - ignition system“

Removing and installing sealing flange on gearbox side

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