Volkswagen Golf Service & Repair Manual: Pressures and temperatures in the refrigerant circuit
When working on the refrigerant circuit, observe
generally applicable safety rules and the Regulations
for Pressure Tanks. |
The pressures and temperatures in the refrigerant circuit
depend on the momentary operating conditions (e.g. engine speed,
speed 1, 2, or 3 of radiator fan, engine temperature, whether
air conditioner compressor is on or off) as well as
environmental influences (e.g. ambient temperature, humidity,
required cooling output). |
In vehicles with air conditioner compressor regulating valve
-N280-, the pressure on the low-pressure side is varied by
activating the valve. |
Therefore, the values given in the following tables may only
be considered as guidelines. They occur at an engine speed of
1,500 to 2,000 rpm and an ambient temperature of 20°C after
about 20 minutes. |
The locations of connections provided for pressure
measurements can be found in the vehicle-specific coolant
circuits. |
At 20°C and with the engine stopped, the refrigerant circuit
will adjust itself to a pressure of 4.7 bar positive pressure
→ Chapter. |
The evaporator output temperature sender -G263- or
evaporator temperature sensor -G308- reads the temperature
downstream from the eva ...
A- low-pressure side of the refrigerant circuit.
B- high-pressure side of the refrigerant circuit.
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